Group 1 - Yellow
We are a group of six siblings who inherited our father’s manufacturing company following his abrupt passing. Our father specified in his will that all major decisions in the organization must be accompanied by the approval of all his children, who have now been elevated to shareholders. The conflict that arises is due to our different methods and ideologies on what direction the company needs to be headed.
Sherif is a lawyer and an entrepreneur, he believes that the company should be run to achieve the maximum gross profit at all costs whether environmental or else.
Adam is coming from a Social Work background, and is concerned about the jobs of the workers at his father’s manufacturing company. He understands the tough job market that exists and wants to ensure that employees are treated fairly and also have a voice with regards to what becomes of the company.
Carrie is coming from a Health Administration background and is concerned with both the financial side of the business as well keeping jobs for the employees as long as it is financially sustainable. I can see both Sherif and Adam’s points of view but I want to make sure that both sides of the equation are being met.
Courtney is also coming from a Health Administration background as well and she agrees with Carrie. She would like to see the employees treated well but also we must ensure success of the company. By concentrating on the administrative side of the company, she believes that they can monitor company growth and finances, but also appropriate staffing levels and employee satisfaction.
Michelle is coming from a Child and Youth Care background, it is important that everyone in the company is working together, in a cohesive manner. Though her background is more geared towards children, she has a similar outlook to Adam, agreeing that the current employees should have a say in some of the decision making.
Ella is coming from a nursing background, she is concerned about the health promotion aspect of running the business. She fights to ensure that all employees understand the importance of maintaining their physical and mental health in order to maintain wellness. Although she understands the financial aspect of the company, she believes that having a good environment for the employees as well as a good number of sick days and a health care practitioner is essential.