Patient Discharge Clash


Patient A faces a dilemma between the desire to extend their hospital stay due to concerns about post-discharge instructions and financial constraints preventing them from paying fees for extended stay. The conflict intensifies during a meeting involving Patient A's healthcare team, consisting of nurses, social workers, a sociologist, and the hospital board member who calls for the meeting. The meeting consists of sharing each person’s disciplinary-focused perspective on the conflict. Due to differing roles and a misunderstanding of roles, the team members start speaking over each other, becoming frustrated and using a call-out culture. A temporary break called by the board member allows for reflection with an emphasis on eliminating assumptions, returning with an open mind, and using conflict resolution strategies. The nurses critically reflect on what they heard in the meeting, and decide to speak to Patient A themselves. When they reenter, they have a shift in perspective. After apologies and rationales are shared, everyone comes to an agreement that takes into consideration everyone’s interests.