Team 1


Natalie walked into the medical clinic to book an appointment for a service she was interested in and made a $200 deposit. A couple days later she decided to cancel the appointment due to her husband being against the service. She then requested a refund of $200. Unfortunately, she forgot that the deposit is non-refundable as explained to her earlier because the clinic had already purchased materials for the treatment. As an alternative, the clinic suggested the option of using credit towards any other available services to which she agreed. A couple months later, Natalie decides to go with an IV treatment. During this time period she has phone calls with a registered nurse (RN) who explains all the details and clarifies any possible concerns. The day before the appointment, Natalie calls the clinic, yelling that the IV treatment was too expensive and accused the clinic of trying to rob her. She mentions that she was never really interested in IV and was pushed into it, ignoring and denying the previous conversations with the RN while being rude and dishonest. During the conversation, the operations manager had to intervene and provided all the necessary documentation where it shows that Natalie had signed an agreement stating that the deposit is non-refundable as well as showing history of conversations. After the clinical coordinator talked to Natalie, they reached an agreement and the conversation was changed to a calm one.