Conflicts Within the Interdisciplinary Team
The scenario involves a youth named Toby Cavanaugh who has been struggling with mental health issues and drug addiction. A combination of his depression and anxiety along with his substance abuse has caused his grades to drop in school. Toby‘s drug habit has caused him to become involved with other youth who engage in criminal behavior including the selling of narcotics, breaking and entering, and other property offenses. One day Toby conducted a drug deal with whom he thought was another youth, but this person was an undercover police officer involved in a sting operation. This resulted in Toby being arrested. During his trial, the sentencing judge decided not to give him a jail sentence but instead put him on probation. The conditions of his probation included a 9 pm curfew, participating in weekly meetings at a treatment center, mandatory school attendance, and the prohibition of all substances. Toby’s probation officer, Britney, will be tasked with checking up on Toby to ensure that he is following these guidelines, as a breach of these conditions will result in an arrest. After three weeks, Britney decides to do a random follow up and goes to Toby’s house at 9:30 pm, but realizes that he is not home. After searching the neighborhood, Britney finds Toby doing drugs on a nearby street and threatens to arrest him. After hearing this, Toby immediately begins hyperventilating and eventually suffers from a panic attack so he is brought to a hospital where two pediatric nurses, Student Nurse Hadassah and RN Jeremy are looking after him. The psychiatric crisis workers who have been working with Toby since he joined their treatment program were alerted about his mental health crisis and came to the hospital as well.