We need to “Work Together”!


An inter-disciplinary team of six members are contracted to develop a program at Work Together Public School that addresses childhood obesity. As a part of this program, the team wants to build a fruit and vegetable garden that the children, who are a part of this program, can access. The team believes this will be an important part of teaching these children to be responsible and interested in their health and eating habits. The conflict arises when all members of the team, except Elwyn – Urban Planner, wants to build this garden at the back of the school as they all feel this is the safest place. However, Elwyn disagrees with building the garden at the back because of a city zoning regulation law that states nothing may be built on those grounds. Elwyn suggests that the team build the garden at the front of the school. Unfortunately, the front of the school is a high traffic area and the rest of the team refuses.