Team 3: The Toronto General Hospital Expansion


Our conflict scenario is based on the expansion of a hospital within a certain budget, however, conflict arises in discussing the allocation of funds amongst three different departments; Radiology, Nursing, and Social Work. The Radiology department is advocating for enhancements within the hospital, such as equipment upgrades and implementing new technologies/software. The Social Work department is advocating for investment in Community Care Access Centres (CCAC) to evaluate patient care needs and deliver community-based services beyond the hospital setting. The Nursing department advocates for extra staffing to reduce burnout for current nurses who work 12 straight-hour shifts without breaks. Different conflict resolution styles are implemented in several scenarios which incorporate different characters. To begin, there is a conflict between the Radiology and Nursing department heads because one department head believes their needs are more important than the other. The nurse comes from a face culture and the radiologist comes from an honour culture, where a third-party mediator (hospital admin) is needed to resolve the conflict. The second conflict is between the project manager and social work department head. As the Social worker explains their needs, the project manager can't decide who the funding should be allocated while displaying bad listening. The conflict arises as the social worker tries to give the project manager advice but is resolved by speaking about the possible outcomes. The final conflict incorporates all parties involved where each department head negotiates for their part of the funding. A compromise is reached where each department gets one important need and has to split the rest with the other departments through collaborative and compromise resolution styles.