Team 1 Interdisciplinary Conflict at Devotion


Interdisciplinary Conflict at Devotion Devotion, a not-for-profit organization currently serves over 300 returning and new clients per week to address a multitude of challenges for clients. At our most recent team meeting, Milaina informed the other members of the team that she was going to be hiring an additional team member in one of our five existing departments. This professional would work directly with one of the other team members in order to be able to help more clients in that department. She decided to pose the following question to the team to get their input: “Which department do you think would benefit most from having an additional staff member and why?” A big argument developed in response to this question as every team member had a different idea of what issues were most important to address for clients. As a result, the team is in shambles and will have to put their conflict resolution skills to the test in order to operate more holistically as a strong interdisciplinary team.