Challenges and Ethical Dilemmas - Group J
Menteelda is a new IT Entrepreneur, with a novel cloud based - social networking software platform. She meets Mentoralis her new mentor, as well as an Investor, Johnny Ca$h.//////
Scene 1: Early - Mentor/ Mentee
Challenge: Is the pairing right for a successful relationship?
Scene 2: 6 months later...
Challenges: 1) Mentee considering taking on an Investor, 2) Ethics of the Mentor invited to an INVESTOR meeting.
Scene 3: Mentee meets with Investor
Challenge: the Mentee is faced with the situation to qualify for an investment, outside business expertise is required.
Scene 4: Mentor VS Consultant
Challenge: ethical dilemma, to continue or end the Mentoring relationship.///// Written, Produced and Performed by Group J; Ron, Kerryleegh and Blake